Input and Output file formats

The GeoModel is the Data Model powered by RINGMesh (see the full description of the GeoModel here. RINGMesh proposes an home-made file format with the .gm extension to read and write GeoModels.

Beyond that, RINGMesh provides an extensible design to ease your possibility to add new file formats. We present here an exhaustive list of input and output file formats currently supported by RINGMesh. These file formats are different if you are dealing with GeoModels in 3D or if you are dealing with a 2D cross section of a GeoModel (called GeoModel2D).

Input/Output GeoModels in 3D

Inputs GeoModel3D

Extension Software
.gm RINGMesh
.msh (in progress) GMSH

Outputs GeoModel3D

Extension Software
.gm RINGMesh
.msh GMSH
.tetgen TetGen
.csmp CSMP++
.vtk ParaView
.mfem MFEM
.inp Abaqus
.adeli Adeli
.fem Feflow
.smesh Smesh

Input/Output GeoModel cross section in 2D

Inputs GeoModel2D

Extension Software
.gm RINGMesh
.model Stradivarius
.msh (in progress) GMSH

Outputs GeoModel2D

Extension Software
.gm RINGMesh
.mfem MFEM
.msh (in progress) GMSH


For converting a geological model from one file format to another, you can make use of the utility executable shipped with RINGMesh: ringmesh-convert.

Here is the command syntax:

ringmesh-convert in:geomodel=/path/to/your/file.ext1 out:geomodel=/where/you/want/to/save/file.ext2

Note: to generate and compile this executable, you should select the option RINGMESH_WITH_UTILITIES in the cmake configuration options.