Basic functionalities on GeoModel

The most efficient way to build a GeoModel is to import its geometry and topology from a geomodeler. This tutorial presents a simple code to load manipulate and export GeoModel.

A part of the code associated to this tutorial is available in the RINGMesh/doc/tutorials/src/geomodel-basic.cpp. It can be compiled by selecting the RINGMESH_WITH_TUTORIALS option during the RINGMesh configuration with CMake.

GeoModel I/O

GeoModel stores the geometry and the topology of a geological model. It can be imported from boundary representation or volumetric representation file. RINGMesh uses an extensible design to handle various file formats. The file extension is the key for selecting the suitable loader/saver. The Input/Output file formats currently supported by RINGMesh are listed here.

A GeoModel can be loaded and saved as follow:

//include for RINGMesh::GeoModel3D
#include <ringmesh/geomodel/core/geomodel.h> 
//include for RINGMesh::geomodel_load & RINGMesh::geomodel_save
#include <ringmesh/io/io.h> 

 // GeoModel instantiation in 3D
 GeoModel3D geomodel ;

 // give the path to your working directory
 // give either the relative path from installation directory
 // or an absolute path.
 std::string path = "path/to/inputs_output_files/"

 // filename to load
 // the file extension is the factory key.
 std::string input_file_name = "your_input_model.key";

 // function to load a geomodel from input_file_name
 geomodel_load( geomodel, path + input_file_name ) ;

 // path to the file to write
 // the file extension is the factory key.
 std::string output_file_name = "your_output_model.key";
 geomodel_save(geomodel, path + output_file_name);

When a GeoModel is loaded, its validity is automatically checked and resulting information are displayed.


Basic Usage

Several functions can be called to study/manipulate/repair the GeoModel:

//print the geomodel statistics in the command terminal
#include <ringmesh/geomodel/core/geomodel_api.h>
print_geomodel_mesh_stats( geomodel ) ;

//investigate the validity of the geomodel
#include <ringmesh/geomodel/tools/geomodel_validity.h>
is_geomodel_valid( geomodel ) ;

//translate geomodel along vertical axis
#include <ringmesh/geomodel/tools/geomodel_tools.h>
translate(geomodel, {0,0,100}) ;

If RINGMesh is compiled with a meshing sofware:

//build volumetric mesh in geomodel regions using TetGen [Si,2015]
#include <geogram/basic/command_line.h>
GEO::CmdLine::set_arg( "algo:tet", "TetGen" );

#include <ringmesh/geomodel/tools/geomodel_tools.h>
tetrahedralize( geomodel );

This is not an exaustive list of functionalities. Please look at the doxygen documentation.


Manipulate GeoModelEntities

This part is dedicated to GeoModel toplogical Entities see GeoModel. It shows how to access and manipulate geometrical and geological enties either by their global index or their adjacency relationships.


This example shows how to iterates on geometrical enties that define the boundary representation of the model.

// Iterates on the Surfaces of a GeoModel and looks for boundaries and incident_entities
for( const auto& surface : geomodel.surfaces() )
    // Iterates on boundary lines
    for( auto boundary_id : range( surface.nb_boundaries() )
        const auto& line = surface.boundary( boundary_id );
    // Iterates on incident regions (max. 2 incident regions)
    for( auto incident_id : range( surface.nb_incident_entities() )
        const auto& region = surface.incident_entity( incident_id );


This example shows how to iterate on geological enties. It allows to access to geometrical entities that belong to the same geological feature.

// Iterates on the Interfaces of a GeoModel and looks for children (being GeoModelMeshEntities)
for( const auto& cur_interface : geomodel.geol_entities( Interface::type_name_static() ) )
    // Iterates on boundary lines
    for( auto child_id : range( cur_interface.nb_children() )
        const auto& surface = cur_interface.child( child_id );

// Iterates on the Surfaces of a GeoModel and looks for them parent of type Interface
for( const auto& cur_surface : geomodel.surfaces() )
    if( cur_surface.has_parent( Interface::type_name_static() ) )
        const auto& parent = cur_surface.parent( Interface::type_name_static() );

Manipulate GeoModelMesh

The GeoModelMesh is made of four data bases to provide a global and unique indexing of mesh component. This ease a global iteration through the GeoModel.

//include for RINGMesh::GeoModelMesh
#include <ringmesh/geomodel/core/geomodel_mesh.h>

// Build GeoModelMesh
GeoModelMesh gmm(geomodel);

// Iterates on the RINGMesh::GeoModelMesh (gmm) vertices without redundancy
for( auto v : range( gmm.vertices.nb() ) )
    const auto& point = gmm.vertices.vertex( v );

// Iterates on the RINGMesh::GeoModelMesh (gmm) facets without redundancy
for( auto surface_id : range( gmm.geomodel().nb_surfaces() ) )
    // Each surface can be stored twice if it is at the interface of two meshes
    // It is also possible to iterate only on triangles or quads
    for( auto polygon_id : range( gmm.polygons.nb_polygons( surface_id ) ) )
        auto polygon_id_in_the_mesh = gmm.polygons.polygon( surface_id, polygon_id );
        std::cout << "Nb vertices in the polygon: " <<
            gmm.polygons.nb_vertices( polygon_id_in_the_mesh ) << std::endl;

// Iterates on the RINGMesh::GeoModelMesh (gmm) cells and their adjacent cells
for( auto region_id : range( gmm.geomodel().nb_regions() ) ) {
    // It is also possible to iterate only on a specific cell type
    for( auto cell_id : range( gmm.cells.nb_cells( region_id ) ) )
        auto cell_in_gmm = gmm.cells.cell( region_id, cell_id );
        for( auto facet_id : range( gmm.cells.nb_facets( cell_in_gmm ) ) )
            // Global cell adjacent index
            auto global_c_adj = gmm.cells.adjacent( { cell_in_gmm, facet_id } );
            if( global_c_adj == NO_ID )
                // The cell is on the border